Adding my two cents to the mega mesh mess surrounding transvaginal mesh complications…

“It’s barbaric and ruins women’s lives…”

“She explained: “I’d heard about this operation so I went to my GP and was referred to my local hospital, and it was very much sold as it is to all of us, it’s a simple, 20-minute fix. So why not go for it?”….


It’s barbaric and ruins women’s lives… Mum who could barely walk after vaginal mesh implant calls for the ‘disgusting’ procedure to be banned

Sling the Mesh campaigner Kath Sansom, 49, who had a mesh implant inserted in March 2015 to help with mild incontinence and later had it removed after a painful seven months, told how the ‘disgusting’ surgery has left some women on the brink of suicide

Journalist Kath Sansom, 49, said it’s “fantastic” that the issue is finally being debated by MPs in parliament next week, but called it a “tragedy” that it’s taken 10 years of campaigning to get to this point.

She said: “That’s 10 years of women being maimed with unnecessary, life-changing injuries that have been ignored, which is so upsetting.

“Finally we get a chance to hopefully make MPs listen and realise that there are studies out there, there are growing numbers of women out there who are suffering, and morally this is so wrong – they can’t ignore us anymore.

Kath founded Sling the Mesh, a campaign group warning women of the dangers of transvaginal tape, after her vaginal mesh implant, which she had inserted in March 2015 to cure mild incontinence following the birth of her second child, left her barely able to walk.

She explained: “I’d heard about this operation so I went to my GP and was referred to my local hospital, and it was very much sold as it is to all of us, it’s a simple, 20-minute fix. So why not go for it?

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